Operation Round Up is a volunteer program in which Central Electric Members can choose to round up their electric bill to the next whole dollar each month, in order to help those in need. The money is used to provide assistance for all kinds of worthy projects in Chatham, Harnett, Moore, Lee and Randolph communities. For example, if your bill is $65.74, Central Electric will round up your bill to $66.00. The extra 26 cents will go into the Central Electric Member Care Trust fund. The average yearly contribution is around $6.00 with the most being $11.88.
Operation Round Up targets non-profit organizations, groups and charities that are currently serving members of Central Electric. The guidelines used for awarding Operation Round Up funds address food, shelter, clothing, education, health care and vital community service needs.
While Operation Round Up is a voluntary program, the more support received from our members, the more lives will be changed! To participate or learn more, call the Central EMC office at 919-708-1638.
Let Operation Round Up Make a Difference in Your Community!
Applications for 2025 second-quarter grant opportunities must be submitted no later than April15. Grant recipients will be announced following the Central Electric Member Care Trust Board meeting in May.
Operation Round Up is a community development program funded by the voluntary contribution of Central Electric members to the Central Electric Member Care Trust, Inc. Charitable donations are made by the Trust Board to worthy projects in the Central Electric service territory (Chatham, Harnett, Lee, and Moore counties). Organizations, groups and charities in these counties are eligible to apply as long as they meet the specific funding guidelines established by the Member Care Trust Board of Directors. Find out more on whether or not your group is a likely candidate by reviewing the Guidelines for Disbursement of Funds.
Applicants must be established and share information on the following four items: tax exempt status, mission statement, financial statement and use of funds. Unfortunately start-up groups cannot participate.
Recent Grant Recipients
Operation Round Up, powered by voluntary donations from Central Electric members, put $20,000 back into the local communities this quarter to provide assistance to worthy projects. Grants were awarded to the following nonprofit organizations:
- Bragg Street Academy / Lee Early College Robotics Club - $3,000 for competition materials and equipment.
- Cape Fear Rural Fire Department - $2,757 for communications equipment.
- Jamie's Vision - $3,000 for medical, housing, and food expenses for children.
- Lee County High School JROTC - $3,000 for their annual Military Ball.
- Partnership for Children and Families - $3,000 to support the Lee County Early Childhood Educators Conference.
- Saint Provision Community Development Corp. - $3,000 for their annual Fall Festival.
- West Chatham Food Pantry - $3,000 for essential food items.

Past Recipients
If you no longer wish to participate in Operation Round Up, fill out the ORU opt-out form. Once you complete the form, print it out and mail it to our office at 128 Wilson Road Sanford, NC 27332 or email it to us at mossm@cemcpower.com. You may send it as a PDF attachment or scan and send the printed version.