My Account Portal
The one-stop shop for managing your account, the online account portal allows you to view or pay your bill, track your energy use, sign up for account alerts and reminders, plus so much more!

Mobile App
All the great features of the online account portal but right from your mobile device! The mobile app is available for FREE directly from your mobile app store. Simply search "Central EMC" in your app store, or click the link below to access the download links. Note: you must first set-up your account through the Account Portal before you will be able to access it through the mobile app.

Available to both new and existing members, Central Electric members also have an additional way to pay for their electricity through "FlexPay". This plan allows participating members to closely monitor power use and buy electricity on an "as needed" basis. Click the link below to learn more.

Paperless Billing
If you would rather receive your monthly bill each month via email rather than traditional mail, this is the option for you. The link below will take you to the account management portal where you can enroll your account in paperless billing as well as many other great account services.

Alerts & Reminders
Set up a variety of alerts and reminders to stay up-to-date on your account, including due date reminders, payment confirmations and energy use alerts. The "Enroll" button below will send you to the online account portal where you can navigate to the "My Alerts" tab to set up your alerts.

Automatic Payment Draft
Members may choose to have monthly electric bills automatically paid from checking or savings accounts. Members can sign-up for bank draft two different ways: (1) provide a signed agreement and voided deposit slip or check showing your account number, or (2) log-in to the customer portal, select Payments-Setup Draft-Bank Draft or Credit Card Draft, and enter draft information. With automatic bank draft, you still receive your bill statement with the amount to be drafted from your bank account before the draft is made. Draft payments will be processed on the due date each month until the draft is requested to be removed by the member.

Budget Billing
With budget billing, qualified customers can make monthly-equalized payments that are computed from the average of 12 months power use. Budget billing is reviewed every 12 months with the balance being settled on the 13th month. Failure to pay when due will automatically cancel the agreement. Note: a 12-month billing history and a good payment history is required for budget billing.
If you are interested in setting up Budget Billing, call 919-774-4900 to speak with a representative.

Additional Payment Options
We also offer over-the-phone payments (1-866-488-5011), a walk-in payment office located at 128 Wilson Road, Sanford NC 27332, as well as a payment kiosk located in the Liberty Gas Station at 1360 NC HWY 24/87, Cameron NC 28326.