Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders:
Join the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington D.C.!

The Electric Cooperative Youth Tour, held in Washington, D.C., typically hosts more than 1,800 high school students nationwide. The students who attend the Youth Tour learn about electric cooperatives, American history and the U.S. government.

The Youth Tour exists to:

  • Educate youth on all aspects of rural electrification to promote a better understanding of the value of rural electric cooperatives.
  • Provide an opportunity for youth to visit monuments, government buildings and cooperative-related organizations in order to become familiar with our country's historical and the political environment.
  •  Allow youth to meet elected officials to better understand how federal government operates.

History of the Youth Tour

The application window for the 2025 Youth Tour has closed. 

  • For more information about the Youth Tour, please contact Ryley Ostentoski at 919-708-1639 or by email at osentoskir@cemcpower.com