Central Electric is a cooperative, owned by the people we serve. They are more than customers. Here at Central, we call them "members" or "member-owners."
One way ownership is reflected is through capital credits. These are members' share of what's left over after we have paid the costs of delivering power, and set aside appropriate funds for emergency situations and regular growth projects. When we are financially able to do so, these capital credits are distributed to members. That means the member-owners financially share in the successful operation of the cooperative. Capital credits are one of the tangible benefits of being served by a co-op.
This year will mark 16 years in a row that capital credits have been retired. During this time frame, over $18 million will have been returned to members. In 2024, the co-op gave back $1.1 million and members who received service from the cooperative during 2006 received a capital credit retirement check. Retirement amounts greater than $25 were issued a check, while all others were applied as a bill credit.
Why does it take so long to receive a capital credit return? While it may seem odd, or a long time, it’s actually a benefit to the membership. Capital credits are a portion of the funds that help operate the co-op. The co-op holds on to these funds for a period of time in order to help finance improvements to the system. This also helps the co-op avoid borrowing as much money to fund system maintenance and upkeep. They serve as operating capital that funds the service provided to your home or business. At the end of the cycle, the capital credits are returned directly to the members. This return of capital credits to you, our members, is a SIGNIFICANT identifier of the cooperative business model.
Unclaimed Capital Credits
Due to different factors, we may not have up-to-date contact information for members, past and present. You may have unclaimed capital credits waiting for you. Enter your name or other info to search our databases. If your name is listed, click it to open the claim form.