128 Wilson Road
Sanford, North Carolina 27332

Operation Round Up® is a community development program funded by the voluntary contribution of Central Electric members to the Central Electric Member Care Trust, Inc. Contributions are made to the trust when participants elect to have their monthly electric bill rounded up to the next dollar. For example, a $75.45 electric bill would result in a total charge of $76.00 and a 55¢ donation to the trust fund. On average, donation will be about 50¢ per month or $6.00 per year. Since Operation Round Up® contributions are tax deductible; in January of each year a total annual contribution amount will be provided to coop members for their donation.

Charitable donations are made by the Trust Board to worthy projects in the Central Electric service territory (Chatham, Harnett, Lee and Moore Counties). Organization/Groups/Charities can apply to the Trust’s five-member board of directors, who award funds quarterly based on worthiness of each application and available funds. One hundred percent of funds collected are returned to the community through donations from the Trust.

A unique feature of Operation Round Up® is the Central Electric Member Care Trust. Appointed by Central Electric’s Board of Directors, this group of five trustees determine, by objectively reviewing applications and considering available funds, which community needs or projects are funded. Members of the Trust Board were selected because of their leadership and involvement in their community, making them uniquely knowledgeable of the needs of all of the communities served by Central Electric. From educators, to realtors and retired business executives, the diverse backgrounds and knowledge of our foundation board ensures the fair and proper funding of projects.

Instructions for Organizations/Charities

The following instructions are to assist you in completing your application for Central Electric Member Care TRUST funding. In order for us to review your application in a timely manner, we need your assistance by answering all of the questions in detail and sending in all requested documentation.

Note: Must be an established organization. The TRUST does not provide start-up funds and maximum funding for an organization is $3,000 per calendar year.

Question 5: Tax Exempt Status

If tax exempt, copy of Form 501(c)3 from IRS is requested.

Items No. 6 and No. 7: Mission Statement & Financial Statement

  • If no formal Mission Statement, explain purpose and goals of your organization.
  • Financial Statement showing where your funding came from and how it was spent for at least one year. (Required)

Item No. 10: Use of Funds

  • If funding is for building repairs, send three (3) bids from three (3) different contractors for needed work—materials and labor.
  • For items such as furniture, appliances, supplies, equipment, etc. provide estimates.
  • For outstanding bills, taxes, etc. send copies of bill statements showing name and address of vendor and amount due.
  • Should you need help with filling out the application or have questions, please don’t hesitate to call Meg Moss, TRUST Administrator, at 919-708-1638.