Celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day

“Whereas linemen leave their families and put their lives on the line every day to keep the power on; Whereas linemen work 365 days a year under dangerous conditions to build, maintain and repair the electric infrastructure; Whereas linemen are the first responders of the electric cooperative family, getting power back on and making things safe for all after storms and accidents; and Whereas there would be no electric cooperatives without the brave men and women who comprise our corps of linemen; Therefore be it resolved that NRECA recognize the Second Monday of April of each year as National Lineman Appreciation Day and make available to electric cooperatives, materials and support to recognize the contributions of these valuable men and women to America’s Electric Cooperatives.” (NRECA)

Help us celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day on April 14. Use the social media tag #ThankALineworker to celebrate and recognize the men and women who work around the clock on the lines as well as behind the scenes to keep the power flowing and lights on at our homes.