Central sends youth to leadership camp

The cooperative recently sponsored Anastasia Danforth, Atrizi Cortes Perez, and Tyris Rogers to attend Cooperative Leadership Camp hosted by the N.C. Cooperative Council. The week-long camp was held at Camp Monroe in Laurel Hill, N.C., featuring energetic and interactive workshops, presentations, outdoor recreation and leadership building exercises. 

The camp is designed to provide a learning experience that concentrates on the cooperative way of doing business and building a better understanding and appreciation for the cooperative model. Anastasia, Atrizi, and Tyris were chosen to attend the camp on behalf of the cooperative due to their strong work ethic in the classroom and extracurricular involvement in their schools and community.

Central Electric sponsors local high school students each year to attend Cooperative Leadership Camp. The application period for next year’s camp will begin in March and run through May 2025. If you will be a sophomore, junior or senior during the 2025-26 school year, click  HERE  for more information about this great program.